Van 4 tot 7 juni wordt aan de Universiteit Antwerpen de derde editie georganiseerd van een internationaal congres: Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe III. Meer informatie vindt u hieronder en in de affiche.
Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe III. An international and interdisciplinary conference
Universiteit Antwerpen–Antwerp, Belgium
4-7 June 2013
A conference on ‘Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe’ will take place at the Ruusbroec Institute of the Universiteit Antwerpen from 4–7 June 2013. It is designed to bring together specialists working on diverse geographical areas to create a dialogue about the Latin and vernacular texts nuns read, wrote, and exchanged, primarily from the eighth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. The closing date for registration is 1 May 2013. For further details, see or contact
– Dr Virginia Blanton, University of Missouri-Kansas City
– Dr Veronica O’Mara, University of Hull
– Dr Patricia Stoop, Universiteit Antwerpen
Supporting organisers for the Antwerp conference: Youri Desplenter (Universiteit Gent) and Veerle Fraeters (Universiteit Antwerpen).
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