On Thursday October 18, 2012 Professor Miri Rubin of the University of London will give a lecture entitled ‘Ecclesia and Synagoga’. At this occasion the publication Caput Johannis in Disco. Essay of a Man’s Head (Barbara Baert – Brill, 2012) will also be presented. The lecture takes place at 2 PM in the auditorium MSI 00.20 of the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. Attached please find the invitation and the abstract of the publication.
On the morning of Friday October 19, Prof. Rubin will chair a research workshop for PhD students on interdisciplinary research in the middle ages (art, theology, history of ideas etc.). This workshop will take place from 10 AM to 1.30 PM at MSI 02.08 (Faculty of Arts). During the workshop a maximum of 7 PhD students can give a short presentation (max. 15 minutes) of their research related to these topics. Please distribute this call to your students. Proposals (title and short abstract) should be sent to barbara.baert@arts.kuleuven.be before September 25, 2012.