Belonging in late medieval cities (York 28-30 Juni, 2019)

Belonging in late medieval cities

Date: Friday June 28 to Sunday June 30, 2019.

Location: Huntingdon Room, King’s Manor, Exhibition Square, York YO1 7EP.

One of the ways belonging is conceptualised within sociological literature is that it is a socially constructed category which revolves around an individual’s inclusion and exclusion from formal and informal groups. It is thought that individuals can concurrently be included within one group yet excluded from others, and that belonging is negotiated by various actors such as local communities, governments and individuals themselves.

Late medieval and early modern cities were environments with many formal and informal groups to which people could belong, such as street communities, parishes, guilds and the citizenry, to name a few. The conference aims to explore how notions of belonging might be utilised within the study of late medieval urban centres. We invite speakers to consider whether belonging as a idea can be used to contribute to established ideas of identity, especially considering the (hierarchical) structures of urban society and examining how community boundaries were drawn and redrawn, how spaces were imagined as well as the significance of membership and exclusion. These were always in a state of flux, owing to the influence of the variety of agents who structured belonging, including rulers, local communities and individuals, with inclusion and exclusion operating along the axes of gender and social status. Papers will explore these intersections between the individual and their communities, and how inclusion and exclusion manifested themselves in historical urban areas.

Please send an abstract of 300 words to Joshua Ravenhill or Luke Giraudet by the 8th October 2018.

CfP “Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his predecessors” (Brussel, 24-25 Januari 2019)

Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his predecessors:  

Culture and Visual art and in the late 15th and 16th centuries

Masterclass with Reindert Falkenburg and Michel Weemans, organised by the Vlaamse werkgroep mediëvistiek (VWM) and the Réseau des médiévistes  belges de langue française (RMBLF)

2019 marks the 450th anniversary of the death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525/30-1569), one of the most renowned Flemish artists of the 16th century. In Belgium, several exhibitions (at the KBR, the MRBAB-KMSKB, the Mayer van den Bergh Museum, the Castle of Gaasbeek…) and other scientific activities are planned to highlight the artistic production of the master. This “Bruegel year” constitutes a great opportunity for the VWM and the RMBLF to explore this fascinating personality and the artistic, cultural and intellectual context in which he emerged through a vivid dialogue between young and senior scholars. Indeed, we aim at taking part to this celebration by organizing a masterclass with two specialists of Pieter Bruegel’s work, Reindert Falkenburg (NYU Abu Dhabi) and Michel Weemans (ENSA Bourges and EHESS), whose forthcoming book explores the religious and exegetical character of Bruegel’s landscapes and their relationship with landscape painters of the first half of the 16th century such as Hieronymus Bosch, Joachim Patinir or Herri met de Blès.[1] This masterclass will gather up to eight young researchers (PhD students, postdocs, young lecturers) coming from various disciplines (art history, literature, history…) who will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work on the visual art and culture at the time of Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his predecessors with both respondents and the audience.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder is a complex artistic figure. Often considered as “both a proponent and an exponent of popular culture”[2], the Flemish painter was also appreciated and admired by the high nobility whose members praised the exceptional quality of his oeuvre and owned paintings by his hand. His work also enjoyed a great deal of success among a wider audience thanks to the diffusion of his engravings. From an artistic point of view, Bruegel was deeply influenced by the Flemish pictorial tradition of the late 15th and early 16th century, and especially by Hieronymus Bosch. He also played a crucial role in the emergence of genre and landscape painting, a topic which is at the core of the new publication of Michel Weemans and Reindert Falkenburg. Bruegel also had close links with humanists and scholars such as Abraham Ortelius, and with the Antwerp chambers of rhetoric (rederijkerskamers) like the Violieren (the Gillyflower). In other words, he belonged to the Antwerp intellectual circles of his time. His artistic production is deeply influenced by this intellectual and cultural context, just as it nurtured it in return.

Recent scholarship on Bruegel[3] has highlighted the multi-layered complexity of his (painted, printed and drawn) pictures, which are rooted in the rich artistic, cultural and literary context that we will investigate during this masterclass. More precisely, we would like Pieter Bruegel the Elder to act as a prism through which young scholars will explore, among others, the visual interactions between artists and between pictorial practices, the relationships between literary groups such as the rederijkers and the visual culture of their time, the social and intellectual networks of Pieter Bruegel and other Flemish artists of the late 15th century and 16th century, the impact of the complex religious context on the artistic production of the time, the links between humanists and artists, the influence of Flemish artists of the previous generations on Bruegel and his contemporaries, etc.

Early career researchers are invited to submit proposals for a 15-minutes paper. The languages of the masterclass will be Dutch, French, and English. A description of the proposed paper (max. one page) and a short CV should be submitted to Micol Long ( and Ingrid Falque (, no later than October 15. Selected researchers will be notified in the first week of November.

This masterclass is jointly organised by the Vlaamse Werkgroep Mediëvistiek (Flemish Medievalist Association) and the Réseau des Médiévistes belges de Langue Française (Network of French-speaking Belgian Medievalists), with financial support of the F.R.S.-FNRS and the Fondation pour la protection du patrimoine culturel, historique et artisanal (Lausanne). The event will take place In Brussels (precise location to be announced later) on 25 January. On 24 January, Michel Weemans and Reindert Falkenburg will give a public lecture on their forthcoming book. Further practical details will be announced at a later stage.

[1] Reindert L. Falkenburg and Michel Weemans, Bruegel (Paris, Hazan: 2018).

[2] Mark Meadow, Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s Netherlandish Proverbs and the Practice of Rhetoric (Zwolle, Waanders Publishers: 2002), 14.

[3] See among others: Walter S. Gibson, Pieter Bruegel and the Art of Laughter (Berkeley, University of California press<: 2006); Todd M. Richardson, Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Art Discourse in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands (Farnham, Ashgate: 2011); Bertram Kaschek, Weltzeit und Endzeit. Die »Monatsbilder« Piter Bruegels d.Ä. (München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag: 2012); Christina Currie and Dominique Allart, The Brueg(H)el Phenomenon. Paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Pieter Brueghel the Younger with a Special Focus on Technique and Copying Practice (Brussels, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage: 2012); Claudia Goldstein, Pieter Bruegel and the Culture of Early Modern Dinner Party (Farnham, Ashgate: 2013); Stephen Graham Hitchins, Art as History, history as Art. Jheronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel the Elder Assembling Knowledge not Setting Puzzles (Turnhout, Brepols: 2014); Jospeh Leo Koerner, Bosch and Bruegel. From Enemy Painting to Everyday Life (Princeton, Princeton University Press: 2016).

Masterclass “Religie en Culturele transfer”: 17-18 September, Antwerpen

De zevende editie van interuniversitaire Masterclass Cultuur en Religie gaat dit jaar door aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen op 17 en 18 September 2018 en heeft als thema ‘Religie en culturele transfer’.

De laatste decennia is binnen cultural studies een verhoogde aandacht ontstaan voor het fenomeen van circulatie van culturele producten (teksten, beelden, ideeën) en in het bijzonder voor de wijze waarop deze culturele goederen temporele, geografische, nationale en ideologische grenzen overschrijden: welke transformaties ondergaan teksten, beelden en ideeën bij hun transfer naar nieuwe contexten?; hoe interageren ze met andere culturele producten uit de nieuwe contexten?; welke bemiddelaars en communicatiecentra zijn bij de transfer betrokken?

In deze tweedaagse masterclass worden de doctorandi en postdoctorandi vertrouwd gemaakt met de belangrijkste concepten en methoden uit cultural transfer-studies, om ze vervolgens te leren toepassen op het domein van het onderzoek naar religie en cultuur in het algemeen en op (een aspect van) hun eigen onderzoeksproject in het bijzonder. Keynote lezingen worden gegeven door Geert Janssen (Universiteit Amsterdam) en Sabrina Corbellini (Universiteit Groningen). Het volledige programma volgt later.

Doctorandi die een casus uit hun onderzoek willen presenteren in het kader van deze interuniversitaire masterclass, kunnen dat melden bij een lid van het wetenschappelijke comité uit de instelling waar ze werkzaam zijn (zie lijst hieronder) of rechtstreeks bij Nina Lamal (


Organiserend comité: Veerle Fraeters, Nina Lamal, Guido Marnef, Patricia Stoop

Cfp Congres “Ad Brudgias Portum” (Brugge, 24-26/10/2018)

Ad Brudgias Portum. Bruges’ medieval port system as a maritime cultural landscape

In October 2018, Ghent University and Raakvlak organise an international conference that centres around medieval harbour hubs as gateways for goods, people and thoughts. Bruges’ maritime cultural landscape will be the guideline for these three days of medieval maritime connectivity

Scope of the conference

With this international symposium the organisers wish to present recent research on the medieval harbour landscape of Bruges to a wider scientific audience, but foremost they aim to frame the Bruges’ project into a wider, international maritime context of interdisciplinary research on maritime cultural port-landscapes.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Prof. dr. Christer Westerdahl (Norway)
Prof. dr. Ben Jervis (United Kingdom)
Dr. Adrie De Kraker (The Netherlands)
Bieke Hillewaert (Belgium)

Save the date: 24-26/10/2018

The conference will start on wednesday the 24th of october in the morning, and will end friday the 26th around midday.

Your port of call: Bruges

The conference will be held in the centre of Bruges. Day two includes an excursion into the medieval harbour area, a stopover in Damme and an afternoon session in the Zwin Nature Reserve.

Call for papers

We call for papers that focus on:

Tidal river trade hubs
Medieval harbour infrastructure
Material culture of harbour societies
International networks
Commodity flows

Abstracts (max. 250 words) can be submitted to

More information and a conference website will follow soon!

Important dates & deadlines

1st of July 2018 Deadline abstracts

1st of August 2018 Final programme & Start inscriptions

21st of September 2018 Deadline inscriptions

24th – 26th of October Conference

Cfp “The Medieval Literary Canon in the Digital Age” UGent, 17–18 September 2018

Submissions of abstracts for the international conference “The Medieval Literary Canon in the Digital Age,” to be held at Ghent University from 17-18 September 2018.

An often repeated promise of the digital humanities, in the wake of the “computational turn,” is that the wide availability and accessibility of historical texts would enable scholars to breach the restrictions of a literary canon. The present international conference wishes to explore how exactly the digital humanities can provide such insights for medieval studies, in which such a promise raises critical questions.

(1) In spite of the computational turn, much of the digital scholarship for the Middle Ages still seems to hinge on well-conserved and therefore well-known theological and literary authorities, whose texts have been reproduced continuously in subsequent editions and translations. To what extent does today’s computational research manage to escape the straitjacket of the traditional canon?

(2) Considering that in the past decades, medieval scholars have become increasingly sensitive to the materiality of textual transmission in the Middle Ages, the virtual, normative and reductive character of a digital environment are not always compatible to their research interests.


As the emancipation of the digital humanities from their merely supportive role is proclaimed increasingly, and as the tools for digital medieval studies proliferate (e.g. digital scholarly editing, computational stylistics, digital palaeography, digital stemmatology, …), this conference welcomes papers —based on either case studies or broader research questions— that both problematize the specialized character of medieval literary production and demonstrate the potential for computational criticism to “breach” or “widen” the medieval canon through digital tools.

Full details on the topic and discussion of the conference are available on the conference website:​.


The conference, to which we will accept 8 scholars in addition to the confirmed speakers (cfr. infra) will consist exclusively of plenary sessions, with ample time for discussion. The conference committee encourages proposal submissions by both established and junior researchers. Please send abstracts (ca. 300 words) and a five line biography via email to Jeroen De Gussem ( by the ​10th of May. Participants will receive a notification concerning the acceptance of their application by the end of May.

We expect from our applicants that they have the ability of covering their own travel costs. Accepted speakers are offered lunches and an invitation to our conference dinner. Accepted speakers from abroad (any country other than Belgium) will also be offered up to 3 hotel nights in Ghent.

The following invited speakers have confirmed their participation: Godfried Croenen (University of Liverpool) / Maciej Eder (Pedagogical University of Kraków) / Julie Orlemanski (University of Chicago) / Peter Robinson (University of Saskatchewan) / Karina van Dalen-Oskam (University of Amsterdam) / David J. Wrisley (New York University Abu Dhabi

Call for papers ‘Mary of Guelders – Her life and prayer book’, 23–24 november 2018 (Nijmegen)

Het gebedenboek van Maria van Gelre (Berlijn SBB-PK Ms Germ qu 42 / Wenen ÖNB Cod. 1908), geschreven door Helmich die Lewe en in 1415 voltooid, en heel rijk verlucht, is om diverse redenen uitzonderlijk: de omvang van oorsponkelijk meer dan 600 folia, de rijke verluchting, de keuze voor de Nederrijnse volkstaal, en de bijzondere compilatie van gebeden en getijden. De afgelopen jaren heeft het boek centraal gestaan in een project waarin de Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin en de Radboud Universiteit hebben samengewerkt in het onderzoek, en dat geleid heeft tot een tentoonstelling die van 13 oktober 2018 – 6 januari 2019 plaatsvindt Museum Het Valkhof te Nijmegen. Het onderzoek heeft veel aan het licht gebracht over het omvangrijke en complexe gebedenboek, over het leven van Maria, hertogin van Gulik en Gelre, en over de cultuur in de hertogdommen Gelre, Gulik en Berg.

Ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling ‘Ik, Maria van Gelre. De hertogin en haar uitzonderlijke gebedenboek’ (13 oktober 2018 – 6 januari 2019 in Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen) organiseert de Radboud Universiteit in samenwerking met Museum Het Valkhof en de Staatsbibliotheek in Berlijn een tweedaags symposium te Nijmegen. We nodigen u uit een voorstel in te dienen voor een presenatie tijdens deze conferentie. Meer informatie vindt u in de call for papers, te dowloaden via deze link: Call for papers – Mary of Guelders.

CfP Les manuscrits hagiographiques du nord de la France et de la Belgique actuelle à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIVe-XVIe siècles) : fabrication, fonctions et usages

Op  30 november 2018 (Université de Lille),  21 maart 2019 (UNamur) en 22 mars 2019 (UCL) wordt  het internationale congres “Les manuscrits hagiographiques du nord de la France et de la Belgique actuelle à la fin du
Moyen Âge (XIVe-XVIe siècles) : fabrication, fonctions et usages” georganiseerd. Er is nu een call gelanceerd voor presentaties:  meer details zijn te vinden in het Cfp flyer.

Voorstellen (maximum 500 worden, in het Frans of in het Engels), kunnen tot 1 Juni 2018 bezorgd worden aan


CfP “New Directions in Medieval Religious history” Dartmouth College, USA, May 29-June 2, 2018

Applications are invited for the second annual Dartmouth Summer History Institute on “New Directions in Medieval Religious History.”  The aim of the Summer History Institute is to bring together the most promising young scholars working on medieval religious history to read and workshop pieces of their historical writing, as they embark on the transition from dissertation to book, in order to take stock of emerging considerations and approaches across the field.  We are interested in all aspects of religious history, including its links to political, social, cultural, and intellectual history.  Applicants should be in the process of completing their Ph.D. dissertation or in the early stages of revising the Ph.D. for publication as a book.  (Students finishing their Ph.D. dissertation in spring or summer of 2018 are encouraged to apply.)  Prior to the workshop, each participant will furnish a draft article or working dissertation/book chapter central to or exemplary of their larger historical intervention, which participants will discuss at the Institute in the company of invited senior scholars.  In addition to these workshop sessions on individual pieces of writing, the Institute will include a variety of fora (receptions, dinners, and lectures) to discuss theoretical and methodological issues.

Selected participants in the Institute will receive room and board as well as a subvention for travel up to $1000.  Submitted pieces should be in English (preferred), French, or German.  Participants should have a good command of spoken English.

To apply, send a CV and letter of application with an abstract of 1-2 paragraphs describing your project and the piece you intend to workshop, by March 1, 2018, to Professors Cecilia Gaposchkin and Walter Simons (Dartmouth College, Department of History) at

All inquiries and correspondence may be directed to the same address:

Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League university located in Hanover, New Hampshire.  It can be easily reached by bus from Boston, Massachusetts (about 2 hours); bus service from and to New York, NY, takes about 5 hours.  For an overview of events at the 2017 inaugural Dartmouth Summer Institute, on the theme of modern European Intellectual History, please visit

The complete flyer of the Call for papers can be downloaded here.

CfP “Objets politiques quotidiens du Moyen Âge à nos jours” (Lille, 14-16 november 2018)

Van 14 tot 16 november 2018 wordt aan het Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion (CNRS / Université de Lille) het internationale congres “Objets politiques quotidiens du Moyen Âge à nos jours” georganiseerd. Er is nu een call gelanceerd voor presentaties:  meer details zijn te vinden in het Call for Papers Flyer.

Voorstellen (maximum een half pagina, in het Frans of in het Engels), kunnen tot 30 Maart 2018 bezorgd worden aan