Colloque international Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres-Union Académique Internationale (UAI) – 20-21 septembre 2012

Depuis leur fondation en 1995, par Jean Vezin, correspondant de l’AIBL, et le regretté Hartmut Atsma, les Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi (MPMA), projet n° 51 de l’UAI, aujourd’hui continués par Jean-Pierre Mahé, Président de l’AIBL, Marc Smith et Élisabeth Lalou, ont publié, aux éditions Brepols, près d’une vingtaine de volumes in folio, répartis en cinq séries (series gallica, hebraica, hispanica, ibero-caucasica, polonica), d’autres séries étant actuellement en chantier (series belgica, graeca, rossica). On souhaiterait aussi la création de series britannica, germanica, hungarica. C’est en réalité un véritable réseau européen, inter-académique et inter-universitaire, qui est en train de se constituer. Le présent colloque donnera pour la première fois l’occasion de réunir les représentants de toutes les institutions impliquées. Tout en présentant l’état et les perspectives actuelles des MPMA, le colloque abordera deux axes méthodologiques :
  • d’une part, les applications à la paléographie des sciences et des techniques contemporaines (méthodes physico-chimiques, imagerie scientifique, apport des sciences de la cognition) ;
  • d’autre part, on s’intéressera à la typologie des documents (actes et manuscrits datés, palimpsestes, supports moins classiques à usages privés ou pratiques).
Ainsi, la paléographie sera étudiée autant pour elle-même, comme une discipline autonome, que comme un marqueur culturel. Le colloque est ouvert au public intéressé par la paléographie, la codicologie, l’épigraphie, l’archivistique et la documentation médiévale en général.
Programme :
Jeudi 20 septembre 2012
Présidence : M. Michel Zink
9h30 : Michel Zink (Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres) – Allocution d’accueil
9h40 : Jean Vezin (Correspondant de l’Académie, directeur d’études émérite à l’EPHE, co-fondateur MPMA) – Hartmut Atsma et le projet fondateur des MPMA
10h20 : Sébastein Barret (CNRS-IRHT, Orléans) – Les plus anciens documents originaux de l’abbaye de Cluny : bilan et perspectives d’une édition en cours
11h00 : Pause
Présidence : M. Jean Vezin
11h20 : Ignasi J. Baiges (Université de Barcelone) – Nuevas propuestas para la Series Hispanica
12h00 : Jesus Alturo (Université autonome de Barcelone) – Le corpsu des manuscrits et des chartes en écritures wisigothique et carolingienne
12h40 : Jean-Pierre Mahé (Président de l’Académie) – Propositions pour l’organisation et le développement des MPMA
13h00 : Déjeuner
Présidence : M. Marc Smith
15h00 : Georges Declercq (VUB/ULB, Bruxelles) – Le Liber traditionum de Saint-Pierre de Gand
15h40 : Élisabeth Lalou (Université de Rouen)  – Pour un corpus paléographique des tablettes de cire
16h20 : Pause
16h40 : Colette Sirat (directeur d’études émérite à l’EPHE, CNRS-IRHT) – La Series hebraica et l’histoire de l’écriture hébraïque
17h20 : Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE) – L’écriture hébraïque dans l’Angleterre médiévale
18h00 : Julia Crick (King’s College, Londres) – Towards the Series Britannica : a preliminary report
Vendredi 21 septembre
Présidence : Mme Élisabeth Lalou
9h30 : Nicholas Sims-Williams (University of London) – The Greek script in Afghanistan : Paleography and chronology of the Bactrian documents (4th-8th century AD)
10h10 : Brigitte Mondrain (EPHE)  – La paléographie et la codicologie dans les catalogues de manuscrits grecs
10h50 : Pause
11h10 : Jerzy Wyrozumski (Académie des Sciences de Cracovie) – La série polonaise des MPMA
11h50 : Pierre Gonneau (Paris-Sorbonne/EPHE) – Les sources diplomatiques russes les plus anciennes et leur édition. État des lieux
12h30 : Déjeuner
Présidence : M. Jean-Pierre Mahé
14h40 : Marc Smith (École nationale des Chartes) – Paléographie et cognition
15h20 : Jost Gippert (University of Frankfurt/Main) – Palimpsests of Caucasian origin : State of the art and future prospects
16h00 : Pause
16h20 : Zaza Aleksidze (Centre national des manuscrits de Géorgie) – On the corpus of the Georgian Diplomas and the Georgian Palaeographical Album, 9-16cc
17h00 : Gevork Ter Vardanyan (Maténadaran, Érévan) – Les palimpsestes du Maténadaran
17h40 : conclusions du colloque et résolutions finales
Inscriptions pratiques et bulletin d’inscription : ici

Workshop Using Large-Scale Text Collections for Research: Status and Needs

Date: Wednesday 21 November 2012 – Place: Huygens ING, The Hague, The Netherlands
This is the first workshop of the working group Using Large-Scale Text Collections for Research of the Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities (NeDiMAH). It is organized to be a pre-conference workshop to the 9th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, Editing Fundamentals: Historical and Literary Paradigms in Source Editing, 22-24 November 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ICT tools and methods, such as information retrieval and extraction methods including text and data mining for example, can reveal new knowledge from large amounts of textual data, extracting hidden patterns, analysing the results and summarising them in a useful format. The NeDiMAH working group ‘Using Large-Scale Text Collections’ (WP 5) will examine practices in this area, building on the work of corpus linguistics and related disciplines to develop a greater understanding of how large-scale text collections can be used for research.
The first workshop of the group takes place at the 21st of November 2012. The meeting will be used to inventorize the availability of text corpora for researchers from different disciplines in the participating countries and languages. How large are the available corpora? For what purposes were they created? What kinds of mark-up do they contain? And which tools are available to help mining the corpora? What is missing in both texts and tools to make the corpus also useful for other research disciplines than the one it was originally created for?
The first part of the day-long workshop will be used for an introductory paper by the group leader, followed by short papers of the participants sketching the situation in their country and language(s) and the needs of their own specific research discipline. The rest of the day will be dedicated to discussions about the topics addressed during the first parts: what are the shared positive points in the different countries/languages/disciplines? Is there an overlap in the different needs that were expressed? What can we learn from each other? Where can we push the developments further through a shared approach? At the end of the day, the participants will have an overview of the current status. The needs that were addressed will be used by NeDiMAH to decide on the topics of the next workshops and/or seminars to be organized by this working group.
Ten participants will be reimbursed for their travel and subsistance to a maximum of € 700 per person. These will be selected based on abstracts to be submitted before 10 September 2012. Decisions will be mailed at the end of September 2012. Abstracts of 300-500 words are expected to describe which country or area the applicant will deal with, listing the languages and time periods in question as well as the research discipline(s) covered. Some preliminary remarks about concrete plans for the future development of a large corpus or about specific needs already identified are welcomed. Abstracts can be sent to
Based on the submissions, the Steering Committee of NeDiMAH will select a diverse group of participants for reimbursement, making sure the program of the workshop will cover an optimum of different countries, languages and research disciplines. Applicants whose submissions will not be chosen for reimbursement, are very much welcome to join the workshop at their own costs (there will be no fee for attending).

Overlijden Michel Victor Huglo

Daniel Lievois deelde ons het overlijden mee van Michel Victor Huglo (14.12.1921 – 13.05.2012), een van de meest gewaardeerde specialisten in de oude (kerk)muziek. Hij werkte graag in Gent in de handschriftenzaal van de Universiteit, in het Rijksarchief en in het Stadsarchief, maar ook in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek te Brussel voelde hij zich thuis. Zijn weduwe Barbara Haggh werkt eveneens over oude muziek en voelt zich ook in Gent thuis.


Schrijf je nu in voor de Landschapscontactdag


De Landschapscontactdag staat dit jaar in het teken van ‘de industriële transformatie van het landschap in Vlaanderen’. Het programma voor die dag is nu ook bekend.

7 september 2012

Schrijf je voor 3 september in op .
Het inschrijvingsformulier en programma vindt u op onze website terug.

Uw inschrijving is pas geldig na betaling van 45 euro op onderstaand rekeningnummer:
Ename Expertisecentrum vzw
IBAN: BE 58 0682 4079 8079
Met verplichte vermelding: landschapscontactdag 07/09/2012 + naam en voornaam

agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed
Koning Albert II-laan 19 bus 5
1210 Brussel

Visiting Fellowships Scheme – Leeds

The University of Leeds Centre for History and Philosophy of Science invites applications to its new Visiting Fellowships scheme for the academic year 2012-13.

Conditions :
Visiting Fellows will be provided with full IT and library access and office space where possible. There are no formal duties. Fellows will be expected to pursue their research and to participate in seminars, reading groups and other aspects of the research life of the Centre for HPS. Fellowship periods can be from 3 months to 1 year.  Junior and senior applicants are equally welcome, though applicants must hold a PhD. The fellowships are non-stipendiary.

Proposed research projects should clearly mesh with the research interests of members of the Centre for HPS.

Submissions :
To apply, please send

  • a CV, plus
  • a letter indicating the research project you would pursue during the fellowship period, and your preferred start and end dates

to the Director of the Leeds HPS Centre, Professor Steven French : by 27 July 2012.

The Centre expects to be able to appoint between one and three Visiting Fellows for 2012-13. For more on the Visiting Fellowships programme, please contact Professor French. For more on the Leeds HPS Centre, please see the Centre website at

IMC 2012 – last-minute call for papers

Below is a list of two-paper sessions which still require a third paper.

If you would like to propose a paper for any of the sessions please send your paper to us via email ( noting the session you have applied for at the top of your message. If we have included contact details for the organiser, please contact them first to discuss your paper.

Practical informations : here.
Session 1721 – Rules of Punishment